How to print with chocolate on your DIY 3d printer

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 06 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Jonathan Keep is well known for his Delta clay printer. In this video he shows low-tech method to 3d print shapes from chocolate at your home. He made an extruder from a syringe which is air pressure powered from regular soda bottle and bike pump. Ingenious!
Looks yummy!

Source and more details:

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Formlabs accepting bitcoin

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In a bold move, Formlabs is taking bitcoin as payment for their printers and supplies. Here is the interface when you get on payment section of their web shop (I'v erased some details). It is a big step forward for bitcoin, since Formlabs is one of the big players in 3d printing tech.

I'v been following Bitcoin from long time and I did held some workshops about it in my part of the world, free of charge.
If you want to support this blog and my work you can donate bitcoin to this address:


Your help is appreciated and will be put to good use, mostly for travel cost to regional DIY spaces and spreading the information about cryptocurrancies. Thank you for your donation!

if you are not sure what is bitcoin, start here:

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Kossel with BeagleBone Black, BeBoPr cape and MachineKit by Brandon Heller

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Brandon Heller shows his experience in printing with Kossel powered by BeagleBone Black, BeBoPr cape and MachineKit. Reliability is 100% now with some minor functionality missing.


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Update on Peachy Printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Peachy printer inventor Rylan Grayston and his apprentice Erik Tetland show latest update of the project. They are now on 27th design iteration.

Learn more about unique Peachy printer here:

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How to install the Sainsmart Smart 2004 LCD Controller

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 05 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Jaidyn Edwards shows how to connect on Sainsmart Smart 2004 LCD Controller to a 3d printer.

This Smart Controller contains a SD-Card reader, an rotary encoder and a 20 Character x 4 Line LCD display. You can easy connect it to your 3d printers board using the "smart adapter" included.

After connecting this panel to your 3d printers board you don't need your PC any more, the Smart Controller supplies power for your SD card. Further more all actions like calibration, axes movements can be done by just using the rotary encoder on the Smart Controller. Print your 3D designs without PC, just with a g-code design stored on the SD card.


Here is link to Sainsmart Smart LCD 2004, it is priced at 43 USD:

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Intelligent Manufacture from Powder by Advanced Laser Assimilation (IMPALA) project

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

European Union finances many large research and development projects. IMPALA is one of them which focuses on additive manufacturing and industrial laser and metal powder based 3d printing.

IMPALA project homepage:

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New generation of 3DSimo 3d drawing pen

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 04 Februari 2014 0 komentar

More alternatives for 3doodler!

Learn more about 3dSimo pen:

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Chipfuzer V 2.0 of arc welder based DIY metal 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Mark Miller developed second version of his arc welder based metal 3d printer - here is the Chipfuzer V2.0.

Mark wrote:
Chipfuzer 3 D metal printer (version 2.0). This is the second prototype I made to improve the original design. It is smaller-12 inches wide, 12 inches deep and 12 3/4 inches tall. This model is fully enclosed and has safety features to keep the user safe from high voltage and harsh arc light produced on the build table.
The design also fully eliminates RFI produced by the arc process and makes a neat, tidy compact unit that can be easily transported and used anywhere.
The multicolored enclosure components are due to just having a little bit of each color paint in several cans on the shelf (low funds) and not representative of anything, or me trying to be overly "artsy".
I scaled down the X,Y and Z slide mechanisms but kept the build table the same as the first model, and the build size is nearly the same as the original. I am still tinkering with it a bit, but satisfied thus far with the new design.
This machine went together better and faster than the original, despite having to scavenger hunt parts, and make due with similar materials. In some places the unit is triple insulated, and the interior is covered in conductive coating and grounded. I think one more design and build will probably get me to a really good design for this idea, and will concentrate more on the software end of things from now on. Thus far I have made about a dozen prints with this, but plan on using this machine for most future experimenting.

First post about Chipfuzer:

Chipfuzer V 2.0 - you can see the print chamber and arc welder tips

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3DaGoGo releases Communites feature

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
3DaGoGo released a new feature on their website: Communities.

From the press release:
3D printing website, 3DaGoGo, has launched their new ‘Communities’ feature to help the growing number of 3D printing designers network, engage, and create communal storefronts for their designs.
With over 59.2 million 3D printer design downloads estimated for 2014, 3D printing has not only amassed tremendous consumer interest, but also triggered a considerable number of professional and career 3D printing designers to emerge onto the scene.
The highlight of the ‘Communities’ feature on 3DaGoGo is the communal storefront. Any designer, or group of designers, can create a ‘Communities’ page and decide on the membership profile. They will then be able to upload and manage a communal storefront where all the members’ designs are showcased in one location.
This communal storefront will automatically populate from the designs in each of the members’ storefronts. Other features such as the ability to select which designs to showcase, highlight featured designs, and set up forums are in the process of being developed and will be added later this year.

Here is the full company press release:

You can also apply to become 3DaGoGo beta designer and participate in a contest:

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Open source DIY metal 3d printer made with MIG welder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

This is important step forward for the entire field: open source sub 1500 USD metal printer. It can be mad by anyone with some experience. It is based on static MIG welder and moving invert delta 3d printer platform as build bed.

Project was developed by Michigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Lab: Gerald C. Anzalone, Chenlong Zhang, Bas Wijnen, Paul G. Sanders and Joshua M. Pearce. Kudos to you gentlemen!

From project abstract:
Technical progress in the open-source self replicating rapid prototyper (RepRap) community has enabled a distributed form of additive manufacturing to expand rapidly using polymer-based materials. However, the lack of an open-source metal alternative and the high capital costs and slow throughput of proprietary commercialized metal 3-D printers has severely restricted their deployment. The applications of commercialized metal 3-D printers are limited to only rapid prototyping and expensive finished products. This severely restricts the access of the technology for small and medium enterprises, the developing world and for use in laboratories. This paper reports on the development of a <$2000 open-source metal 3-D printer. The metal 3-D printer is controlled with an open-source micro-controller and is a combination of a low-cost commercial gas-metal arc welder and a derivative of the Rostock, a deltabot RepRap. The bill of materials, electrical and mechanical design schematics, and basic construction and operating procedures are provided. A preliminary technical analysis of the properties of the 3-D printer and the resultant steel products are performed. The results of printing customized functional metal parts are discussed and conclusions are drawn about the potential for the technology and the future work necessary for the mass distribution of this technology.

Project homepage with detailed build instructions:

Academia paper on this printer:

If you want to learn more about MIG (metal inert gas) welding:

There is another welder based DIY metal 3d printer project with almost no documentation - The Chipfuzer:

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Mini Metal Maker DIY metal clay 3d printer

Posted by Unknown Senin, 03 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Mini Metal Maker is small DIY 3d printer that prints objects suitable for jewelry production, watchmaking and small gears modeling,  small pistons and generally small metal parts. It uses precious metal clay that needs to be put in a high temperature kiln in order to get into metallic form. it will not make "regular" sized hard metal parts. It is more oriented towards craftsman and artisans.

From the Mini Metal Maker page:
The impact

The Mini Metal Maker is a game-changer in the world of do-it-yourself 3-D printing. It gives engineers and designers a new tool for fabricating precision parts without expensive machinery or difficult manual processes. It puts a powerful new tool in the hands of artists and craftsmen for creating customized repeatable items in metal. It is also a valuable and accessible educational tool because it is low cost and small enough to be portable.

I've always dreamed of being able to print miniature parts and detailed sculptures directly in metal. To me, the Mini Metal Maker moves 3D printing from the land of plastic toys into the real world of arts, science, and engineering. I have had so much fun creating and using the Mini Metal Maker, and believe that you will too. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Your words are precious to us. If you can not contribute, or if you simply wish to help another way, please like us on Facebook, share our website with your friends, and spread the word about the Mini Metal Maker to anyone who might be interested.
What is the Mini Metal Maker for?

The Mini Metal Maker is for printing custom jewelry such as rings and gem settings, sculptures, specialized machine parts, ornamental hardware, metal chains, or even special hardware such as miniature turbines or pistons.

Who will use the Mini Metal Maker?
The Mini Metal Maker is for anyone interested in creating small detailed metal objects. This includes the 3D Maker community and as jewelry artisans. The Mini Metal Maker is also a valuable tool for design engineers and machinists, who require small runs of specialized hardware for creating prototypes. The Mini Metal Maker adds new capability for the DIY inventor or artist by making fabrication in metal easy and direct.

What's the print bed size?
The print bed currently allows for prints up to 2.3 inches x 2.3 inches x 2.3 inches (6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm) in size. The movement resolution is up to 1600 steps/mm.

How does the clay become metal?
The device prints with a commercially available jewelry product known as "metal clay." This material is a pre-mixed emulsion of metal particles in a water soluble organic binder. When heated in a kiln (600˚C-900˚C) the binder burns away as the metal particles fuse together.

Where can I buy materials for the printer?

I have been purchasing various metal clay materials online from Amazon and also through e-bay. The Mini Metal Maker requires the clay to be precisely mixed to a special consistency. I will provide pre-mixed syringes of clay along with the parts and software for the MiniMetalMaker.

Can I use it with other clays, or just metal clay?
The mini metal maker will work for most water soluble clay or ceramic type materials if the consistency of the material is properly mixed. Refining this mixing process for each of the available types of clay is an important part of the research and development we are currently completing. Since the device extrudes from commercially available syringes, it is entirely possible for users to develop their own clay blends. We will make pre-mixed clays of different varieties available for sale along with the Mini Metal Maker.

How big is the printer?

Our current printer measures 16 inches (41 cm) tall, 7 inches (18 cm) wide, and 12 inches (30 cm) deep. The new prototype will be slightly deeper in order to accommodate bed motion for two heads in place of just one.

Will it work with Windows 8? How about Macintosh?
Yes, and Yes. The core computer for the Mini Metal Maker is an Arduino Duo running modified Sprinter-based open source firmware. We are developing a cross-platform work environment for loading your objects into the printer.

Do you always need a computer to print?
No. It will be able to print directly from SD cards. Our current prototype requires a connection to a computer, but we are designing the production model to print directly from a compact flash chip that is inserted into the machine.

Does it work with a USB port?

Yes it does. It just has a standard printer-type USB cord that you could pull out of the back of your normal printer and connect to this printer.

Does it cause indoor air pollution or health problems for users?
No. The Mini Metal Maker does not cause any fumes or air pollution. The clay is water based and non-toxic, as its original purpose was for sculpting by hand. Also, the entire machine operates at room temperature because it does not have to melt plastic. You will need to purchase a small *kiln, however, in order to fire the objects.

*Kilns of any sort should be located in a well ventilated area away, often in a garage or a covered outdoor work area.
Mini Metal Maker homepage, detailed build files should be available there in the future:

They had very successful Indiegogo campaign, hopefully they will release the plans as planed:

Take a look at Newton 3d, printer based on same technology:

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Newton 3d DIY metal clay 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Limited information is available on this printer, except few video showing only printing and limited photos of print results. It uses metal clay as printing material and that type of material requires high temperature kiln for finishing.
It also aims specialist makers such as jewellers, product, homeware and fashion designers.

Newton 3d homepage:

They have a subcategory on My Mini Factory site with some objects you could make on Newton:

Here is a metal clay printer with similar features, the Mini Metal Maker:

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3d printable LED lights buttons powered by Adafruits GEMMA and NeoPixels

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

If you are into wearable electronics and 3d printing you can combine them with this type of project. One of my friends made cycling jacket with hand gesture activated direction blinkers. With 3d printer, GEMMA controller and NeoPixel LEDs from Adafruit you can make this cool coat buttons.

Detailed build manual on Adafruit learning system:

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Lux OpenCamera by Kadooka Camera Works

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Lux is a new open camera project. It has 3d printed housing which can be printed on i.materialise or Shapeways, using the "Polished White Polyamide" or "Polished White Strong & Flexible" materials. It is powered by Trinket micro arduino controller.

  • Type: 6x6 Box Camera
  • Media: 120 Roll Film
  • Objective: 65mm f/5.6 Single Element, Coated
  • Viewfinder: Waist-level Brilliant finder
  • Shutter: Electromechanical single-leaf, 1/125-1s + B&T
  • Aperture: Rotating diaphragm, f/5.6-32
  • Dimensions: 7.9 x 9.4 x 11.7 cm
  • Construction: SLS Polyamide (body), Stainless Steel (shutter, aperture)
Lux camera homepage:

Flickr stream with some videos of Lux in action:

Photo taken with Lux open camera

Here is much simpler 3d printable camera, the Pinhole, but it can be fully 3d printed on your home desktop printer:

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3D Printable LED camera ring flash by Adafruit

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Nice DIY project by Adafruit Industries with their parts. It uses NeoPixel LED ring and Trinket micro arduino controller.

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Top 3 CES 2014 3d printing technologies by Too Smart Guys

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 02 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Just a nice video overview of CES2014 3d printing by some geeks.


... and a bonus video, 3d printed pizza!!!

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Hot to design 3d printable soldering stencil

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Instructables user rmd6502 made a detailed tutorial how to design a 3d printed soldering mask for your electronics projects. he goes from Eagle EPS to PDF format, then PDF to DXF and then uses OpenSCAD to get the final STL.

He writes:
This is a neat way to save a bit of money when you order boards. Normally you pay an extra $25-50 for a solder stencil, either a silkscreen or a sheet of metal with holes where the solder paste needs to go

Detailed guide can be found at:

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Stratasys Objet500 Connex3 World's First Color Multi-material 3D Printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

This powerhouse is priced around 300,000 USD.

Technical specifications:

Model materials:
  • Vero family of opaque materials, including color
  • Tango family rubber-like flexible materials
  • Medical: MED610
  • Digital ABS and Digital ABS2 in ivory and green
  • DurusWhite RGD430
  • High Temperature RGD525 white
  • Transparent: VeroClear and RGD720

Digital model materials:
  • Hundreds of composite materials can be manufactured on the fly including:
  • Vibrant blended colors in rigid opaque
  • Translucent colored tints
  • Rubber-like materials in a variety of Shore A values
  • Polypropylene-like materials with improved thermal resistance

Support material:
  • SUP705 non-toxic gel-like photopolymer support

Tray size:
  • 500 × 400 × 200 mm (19.7 × 15.7 × 7.9 in.)

Net build size:
  • 490 × 390 × 200 mm (19.3 × 15.4 × 7.9 in.)

Layer thickness:
  • Horizontal build layers down to 16 microns (0.0006 in.)

Build resolution:
  • X-axis: 600 dpi; Y-axis: 600 dpi; Z-axis: 1600 dpi

Printing Modes:
  • Digital material: 30-micron (0.001 in.) resolution
  • High quality: 16-micron (0.0006 in.) resolution
  • High speed: 30-micron (0.001 in.) resolution

  • 20-85 micron for features below 50 mm; up to 200 micron for full model size (for rigid materials only, depending on geometry, build parameters and model orientation)

Input Format:
  • STL, OBJDF and SLC File

Workstation compatibility:
  • Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8 64-bit

Network connectivity:
  • LAN – TCP/IP

Size and weight:
Objet500 Connex3:
  • 1400 (w) x 1260 (h) x 1100 (d) mm
  • (55.1 x 49.6 x 43.3 in.)
  • 430 Kg (948 lbs.)

Material Cabinet:
  • 330 (w) x 1170 (h) x 640 (d) mm
  • (13 x 46.1 x 26.2 in.)
  • 76 Kg (168 lbs.)

Print heads:
  • 8 units

Power Requirements:
  • 110–240 VAC 50/60 Hz; 1.5 KW single phase

Operational Environment:
  • Temperature 18 C-25 C (64 F-77 F); relative humidity 30-70 percent (non-condensing)

Stratasys product page:

PDF technical specification sheet:

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Talk to lawyers about 3d printing and copyright

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

From video description:
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly come across countless articles discussing the potential for 3D printing to revolutionize product design and manufacturing. As with any new technology, however, existing laws, particularly copyright laws, are not always equipped to keep up with these advancements. This event will include a live demonstration of 3D printing and a discussion of its capabilities from David Struve of Struve Designs, an award-winning design firm. Lisa Moore and Elizabeth Wheeler of The Moore Firm, LLC will then discuss the many copyright issues that this technology raises and sort through whether these issues are likely to result in any real disruption of copyright-reliant industries.


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Robjects 3d printable modular robotics building system by Jaidyn Edwards

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014 0 komentar

Description by the Robjects designer, Jaidyn Edwards:
Robjects simply mean 'Robotics objects'. You can 3D print various connectors and blocks that interlock with each other to make bigger and more complex designs than what hot glue and foam board is capable of.
Prototyping robot designs can often be frustrating. Whilst I do love hot glue and double sided foam tape, they can leave a nasty residue on your parts.
To solve this I wanted to come up with a system that allowed me to turn my robotics components (Servos, Arduino etc.) into a modular system that would allow me to quickly prototype designs, but also make those designs permanent.
Robjects is what I came up with.
Through a series of male and female dovetails your parts will simply slide together. This way you can layout your whole robot design, be it a 6WD beast, or a 2WD obstacle avoider. Once you are happy with your design M3 nuts can be places in the male dovetail nut traps. M3X20 socket head screws can then go through the female dovetail into the male dovetails nut trap.
Robjects are still very much a work in progress.
There are a lot more blocks that need to be modelled and I am still considering different connector options. I am putting them up on Thingiverse now because I need your help. I've only just made a 3D printer of my own and I don't know how the system will work on others, my tolerances may be wrong, the numbers could be way out of line. So far all my pieces fit perfectly and the set screws hold them together like a rock.

Robjects on Thingiverse:

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Daily printing - fingernail clipper organizer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Uzarski Designs guy had a problem. His nail clipping procedure was sub-optimal. He solved this, very challenging, problem with a help of 3d printing.
You Sir is what makes this wonderful technology grow! Hat tip!

Solve your nail clipping issues with easy download from Thingiverse:

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Review of Makeraser

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Makeraser is multitool designed specially for 3d printing. it has acetone tool for gluing, repair and finishing and metal spatula / blade to remove printouts from the printbed. Nice product and nice review by

Interesting part is that it seams to increase the strength of acetone treated part since it melts together outside layers.
I hope I'll have an interview with Makeraser crew soon, so stay tuned ...


First post about Makeraser:

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Easel CNC web based CAD software for your desktop CNC mill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Presentation of new web based CAD software which would simplify work with desktop CNC machines like Shapeoko. It is still in beta and the website takes mailing list notifications sign-up.

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New 3d models sharing site - Sproutform

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Sproutform is new community site for sharing of 3d models.

Here is what they say about themselves:
What is Sproutform?
Sproutform is a community for discovering and sharing great 3D printable designs. We're using a new approach and fresh ideas to move beyond printing desk toys and trinkets and enable the community to design, discover, and print objects that have a more substantial value in our lives. We believe 3D printing should work within the context of our own lives to enrich them by enabling the design and creation of accessories, addons, and customizations for the objects we use every day.
Why Sproutform?
  • Community moderated designs enable you to find the best stuff to print.
  • Discover the best designs for you. As you explore, rate, stash, and download designs, sproutform learns what you like and shows more of it.
  • Share your designs with the community. Get karma. Make the front page.
  • Host and share your designs here free of worry. Sproutform will never claim to own your designs or share them without giving credit to you.

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Update on Vader molten aluminum DIY metal 3d printer - now debugging with gallium

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 31 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Vader is under development, now they are testing the printhead with gallium which melts at low temperatures (30 C) and then they will continue with molten aluminum (at 800 C).

Introduction to Vader:

They also released mock-up of their Mark 1 unit:

The Mark I will be the first production machine. It will be built in very low volumes and sold to technically capable development customers who will help us improve the product,. With the lessons learned from development, the company will create the mass production successor.

Estimated Sale Price: $400,000
Estimated Release Date: Q1-Q2 2014

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Chocabyte low cost chocolate 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This chocolate 3d printer should cost only  99 USD and cartridges with sweet brown goodness only 5 USD. It doesn't get better then that folks.It is still under development.

For another more advanced chocolate 3d printer see:

If you want to make your own simple chocolate extruder to attach to your desktop 3d printer go here:

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New Makible Makibox controller board the 5D Print D8 presentation

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

New Makible Makibox controller board: the 5D Print D8.

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faBrickation 3d printing with volume replaced wth Lego blocks by Hasso Plattner Institute

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

faBrickation a new approach to rapid prototyping of functional objects, such as the body of a head-mounted display. The key idea is to save 3D printing time by automatically substituting sub-volumes with standard building blocks — in our case Lego bricks.
When making the body for a head-mounted display, for example, getting the optical path right is paramount. Users thus mark the lens mounts as “high-resolution” to indicate that these should later be 3D printed. faBrickator then 3D prints these parts. It also generates instructions that show users how to create everything else from Lego bricks.
If users iterate on the design later, faBrickator offers even greater benefit as it allows re-printing only the elements that changed. We validated our system at the example of three 3D models of functional objects. On average, our system fabricates objects 2.44 times faster than traditional 3D printing while requiring only 14 minutes of manual assembly.
More Information:
faBrickation is a research project by
Stefanie Mueller, 
Tobias Mohr,
Kerstin Guenther,
Johannes Frohnhofen,
Patrick Baudisch,
Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

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DMG Mori Lasertec 65 high end hybrid metal 3d printer and 5 axis mill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

When you see this machine at work, you see the future of production. The turbine housing just grows in front of you. The printed part is probably lighter and stronger since its laser is creating more carbon bonds.

Technical specifications:
  • 5-axis: milling and laser texturing of plastic injection moulds on one machine in one setup
  • Full fledged 5-axis milling machine from DECKEL MAHO in the rigid monoBLOCK® / duoBLOCK® Series; flexible integration of a laser head via the HSK interface
  • Change over time from milling to laser operation only approx. 5 minutes
  • Unlimited design possibilities for geometricallydefined surface textures in free-form surfaces
  • Environmentally-friendly methods that do not require the use of chemicals
  • Highest repeatability
  • Fully digitised process chain
  • LASERSOFT 3D texturing software package for the laser structuring of 3D surfaces: from Bitmap to the finished texture

PDF brochure:

You can also check out this Matsuura Lumex machine with similar approach:

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Are you looking for a job in 3d printing industry?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Here are two new resources for you: 3d printing related jobs board 3d printing talent recruitment agency.

more proofs that the 3d printing industry field is rapidly expanding. There will probably be more specialized websites for all niches in the future.

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MendelMax 2.0 review and impressions by ZennmasterM

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 Januari 2014 0 komentar

Great review video of MendelMax 2.0 by ZennmasterM.

MendelMax 2.0 description from RepRap wiki:
The new MendelMax 2 is a complete reinvention of the MendelMax. It makes the MendelMax faster to build, easier to source and even better looking than before.
The MendelMax 2 includes a completely redesigned frame, made from aluminum extrusions and primarily flat plates. These plates can be cut from aluminum, printed, laser cut from plastic, or hand cut with a scroll saw or a coping saw (making this arguably the most accessible DIY reprap ever). A hand cut MendelMax 2 will virtually function identically to a custom machined one. There is no longer a reason to see your hand built machine as merely a means to an end.
Triangles are a smart choice for the gantry, both functionally and aesthetically. From a design standpoint, I wanted the MendelMax to still be visibly a Mendel descendent, while not letting the shape get in the way of improvements. By switching to a right-triangle design, the MendelMax 2.0 gains ~50mm more z-axis movement (the exact amount will depend on your extruder choice). The new design results in a very open, unobstructed print area.
  • Print Area Dimensions: 230 mm x 310 mm x 225 mm
  • Print Area: 16042.5 cm3
  • Printer Dimensions: 450 mm x 340 mm x 460 mm
  • Usable Maximum Print Speed: 150mm/sec or more depending on the part, print material, and extruder
  • Usable Maximum Movement Speed: 500+ mm/sec
  • Layer Height: .1-.4mm, user selectable. Lower layer heights are also possible.
  • X & Y Axis Resolution: .0125mm
  • Frame: All aluminum
  • Movement: linear rail (X and Y axis), precision shafting and bushing (Z axis)
  • Price: $1595 for complete kit

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Ultimaker 2 detailed review by Barnacules

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Another great review by Barnacules of Ultimaker 2. He goes trough unboxing, setup, calibration, leveling and first printing. His machine came delivered with on extruder fan broken. The leveling process seems easy with adjustment screws on the bottom of the print bed.

From video description:
The Ultimaker 2
To operate the Ultimaker 2 you don't need any specific technical knowledge. Every part has been redesigned to create one of the highest performing 3D printer available on the market, but also a very reliable one.

Ultimaker 2 specifications
Easy to use and reliable
Designed for non-expert and expert
Larger build envelope
Heated bed
Low cost material
Open source
Just like the Original the Ultimaker 2 will remain open source. We dare to share our knowledge because we believe we can achieve even more when working together.
Easy to use and reliable
To operate the Ultimaker 2 you don't need any specific technological knowledge. With its 49 decibel it's a quiet machine. Because the electronics are bundled the Ultimaker 2 is stable and reliable. With its nice design the Ultimaker 2 is suitable in any working or living interior.
Designed for non-expert and expert
We've made the Ultimaker 2 to be as easy as possible. You don't need to have a huge technological background to understand our printer. At the same time we've developed the printer in a way that it's still interesting for experts to work and create with.
Larger build ratio
We've managed to get an even better print-to-size ratio. This means the printer size has remained the same, and the print envelope became bigger.
Low cost material
Beside the fact that the Ultimaker doesn't use a lot of power, the material you use to print is also low cost. This makes the use of an Ultimaker very affordable.
Layer resolution: up to 20 micron
Build volume: 23 x 22.5 x 20.5 cm
Position precision X Y Z: 12.5 / 12.5 / 5 micron
Print speed: 30 mm/s - 300 mm/s
Travel speed: 30 mm/s - 350 mm/s
Recommended filament diameter: 2.85 mm
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm
Stand-alone SD-card printing
WiFi printing ready (future upgradeable)
Software: Cura - Official Ultimaker
Print technology: Fused filament fabrication (FFF)
Frame dimension X Y Z: 35.7 / 34.2 / 38.8 cm (no filament)
Frame dimension X Y Z: 49.2 / 34.2 / 55.8 cm (with filament)
Operation nozzle temperature: 180° - 260° C
Operation heated bed temperature: 50° - 100° C
Ambient operation temperature: 15° - 32° C
Storage temperature: 0° - 32° C
AC input: 100 - 240 V / ~4 AMPS / 50 - 60 HZ / 221 watt max.
Power requirements: 24 V DC @ 9.2 AMPS
Usage cost: ~ €0.05 / cm3 (material and power)

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3D printed organic chair is bound together using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 28 Januari 2014 0 komentar
There is no detailed information HOW he did it, but Daniel Widrig managed to 3d print a chair by using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake. It was commissioned as part of an art exhibition.

Daniel Widrig project homepage with some other cool designs:


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Extruder made from plywood by Pawel Dobrowolski

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Pawel Dobrowolski is working on extruder made from plywood. He made first progress by making plywood gears.
Pawel later commented on this post that this extruder is based on yruds/yegah design which is popular in Poland  and it is a part of bigger open source project called BYQ 3d printer made fully in plywood .

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Improving physical therapy with 3d printing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Developed by Dr. Kee Moon and Jeremiah Cox, the device seeks to better conform to the way the body moved before an accident or injury occurred. Rather than rigidly control the movements of the leg, their device nudges - or kicks - the leg to begin natural physical motion. In the future, the bionic leg will further tie in with the brain to better adapt to former muscle memory, allowing the patient to better achieve their previous and unique way of walking or moving.

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Mark One first carbon fiber 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Carbon fiber 3d printing was the technology many people were waiting for. We could finaly get very durable and strong printed objects.

Technical specifications of Mark One:
  • Printing Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) / Composite Filament Fabrication (CFF)
  • Build Size: 305mm x 160mm x 160mm (12″ x 6.25″ x 6.25″, 486ci)
  • Material Compatibility: Carbon Fiber, Fiberglass, Nylon, PLA
  • Highest Layer Resolution: FFF Printing: 100 Microns / CFF Printing: 200 Microns
  • Extruders: Dual Quick Change
  • Filament Sizes: FFF: 1.75mm, CFF: MF4
  • Pause / Resume Prints: Yes
  • Software: Cloud Enabled
  • Supported OS: Mac OS 10.7 Lion +, Win XP+, Linux*
  • Supported Browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 10+, Safari 6+*
  • Supported Files: STL, .OBJ
  • Connectivity: WiFi, USB, SD Card
  • Price: at 5000 USD range
Mark One website has a following description of their machine:

Brilliant ideas need brilliant materials.
Designed to overcome the strength limitations of other 3D printed materials, the MarkForged Mark One 3D printer is the world’s first 3D printer designed to print composite materials. Now you can print parts, tooling, and fixtures with a higher strength-to-weight ratio than 6061-T6 Aluminum.
Gregory Mark, the President of MarkFoged, also co-owns Aeromation, another carbon high technology company responsible for manufacturing computer controlled race car wings. The wings are typically made out of carbon fiber because of it’s high durability, strength and low weight. They discovered that it is quite a challenging task to manufacture parts out of carbon fiber, because of the time needed and high expense in laying the fiber down piece by piece in the production process. That’s what motivated the development of 3D printer which could simply print the carbon material.

We are waiting for more details and print results!

Mark One is produced by Mark Forged:

Now, after the initial hype, we can say that there are many uncertainties about the technology behind this printer.

  • carbon filament and various carbon fiber technologies have been used in 3d printers before, but as far as I know, no machine has been designed specially for the carbon technology and this would be the first desktop / prosumer printer
  • it is unknown how exactly Mark One prints with carbon fiber: is it a new "special" filament where carbon is mixed in thermoplastics or is it some other technology 

Screenshot of Mark One webpage showing that the carbon fiber material is 20 times stiffer then ABS and 5 times stronger

Mark One is multimaterial machine that can print objects with two materials with different combinations of core, shell and structural honeycomb 

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Fuel3d high resolution 3d camera scanner

Posted by Unknown Senin, 27 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Technology of 3d scanners is exploding together with the developments in 3d printing machines. Fuel3d is one of more high-end scanner that is much expected to reach the market.

They released the final design of production unit:

Here is the video presentation of Fuel3d and usage cases:

Here is what company claims are main advantages of Fuel3d against competitor technologies:
  • Turntable: The most basic and lowest cost 3D scanning systems use laser point or line projection onto an object positioned and rotated on a turntable. Prices range from a few hundred dollars up to low thousands. As a handheld solution, Fuel3D holds a significant flexibility advantage over these systems, as they are fixed position and the object being scanned is limited by turntable size.
  • Sweeping laser line: To enable scanning of larger objects, scanners are available that project a laser line, which sweeps across a stationary subject. With a few exceptions, prices for these technologies are typically in the $20,000 – $50,000 range. Fuel3D has a very strong price advantage over all these systems, with the added benefit of handheld flexibility and color capture.
  • Hand-held: 3D scanning systems have been developed to enable maximum scan flexibility for working around objects of almost any shape and size. Prices of hand-held solutions are now as low as $15,000 – $30,000. In addition to Fuel3D being much less expensive, we are not aware of any of these handheld systems that collect color data in addition to 3D geometry.
  • Microsoft Kinect: Some low-cost handheld scanning solutions are being developed using the Microsoft Kinect platform. These systems are typically quite low-resolution resolution, so while they are good for capturing environments, they do not have the data precision or resolution for detailed object capture like Fuel3D.

Claiming things for marketing is usual, but, as always, more real-life thir party testing is needed.

The Fuel3D scanner is priced from 1,250 USD without shipping costs or taxes. Estimated shipping start is in September of 2014.
Company page:

Fuel3d pdf technical whitepaper:

Fuel3d successful Kickstarter:

Here is the first post on Fel3d and MashUp partnershp:

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Adobe is getting in 3d printing with Photoshop CC 14.2 update

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Adobe is joining the ranks of corporations that got into 3d printing field. Photoshop cc update 14.2 bringe many features for 3d model print preparation and support for several 3d printers.
Support for directly printing from Photoshop CC to 3D Systems Cube, MakerBot Replicator 2, MakerBot Replicator 2x and Zcorp Full Color is built in, as is the ability to export an STL file.
It can work with several 3d print object properties, such as:
  • Printer Volume – This will show the measurement that the model is shown in (the numbers marked in Blue are shown in the chosen measurement).
  • Detail Level – Minimum size of features that can be printed.
  • Show Printer Volume Overlay – This is the cage around the model, the cage is generated and shows the maximum capacity of the print chamber in the 3D printer
  • Printer Volume – The size of the print chamber in the measurements that have been specified above.
  • Scene Volume – This is the size of the physical cage around the model inside Photoshop CC, this can be modified using the numbers, or a fast way to scale the model to the cage is it click the button marked “Scale to print volume”.
  • Surface Details – Photoshop CC will use the Bumps, normal maps and opacity to enhance the final detail.
  • Support Structures – Photoshop CC will generate the supports and raft for the output preview.
For Photoshop CC to be able to print the model, it will automate the following tasks for you, i.e :-
  • Wall Thickness – The model is hollow, the walls will need to be adjusted to make sure the minimum wall thickness is achieved, in accordance to the selected printer specification.
  • Repair the model – The Model may not be, what’s know as “Water tight”, which means it may have holes in it, or normals that are the wrong way around (there are other elements here as well), that will cause the print to not properly.
  • Create scaffolding – The elements that we explained earlier that are ‘floating’ need to be supported during the print.

Short introduction video:

More detailed video with demonstration of new 3d printing features:

Opinions on this move differ from person to person. Some say that Adobe should focus more on their core business and Photoshop CC is just not the most suitable choice for this role and can not replace specialized 3d printing CAD / CAM tools with long development. The future will show how Adobe and Photoshop will fit into the high-end industry where they want to be and how the hobbyist and DIYers will use it.

Detailed blog post on Adobe official blogs:

Here is another video review od Psdtuts+:

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