How to print with chocolate on your DIY 3d printer

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 06 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Jonathan Keep is well known for his Delta clay printer. In this video he shows low-tech method to 3d print shapes from chocolate at your home. He made an extruder from a syringe which is air pressure powered from regular soda bottle and bike pump. Ingenious! Looks yummy! Source and more details:

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Formlabs accepting bitcoin

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In a bold move, Formlabs is taking bitcoin as payment for their printers and supplies. Here is the interface when you get on payment section of their web shop (I'v erased some details). It is a big step forward for bitcoin, since Formlabs is one of the big players in 3d printing tech.'v been following Bitcoin from long time and I did held some workshops about it in my part of...

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Kossel with BeagleBone Black, BeBoPr cape and MachineKit by Brandon Heller

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Brandon Heller shows his experience in printing with Kossel powered by BeagleBone Black, BeBoPr cape and MachineKit. Reliability is 100% now with some minor functionality missing. Source:

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Update on Peachy Printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Peachy printer inventor Rylan Grayston and his apprentice Erik Tetland show latest update of the project. They are now on 27th design iteration. Learn more about unique Peachy printer here:

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How to install the Sainsmart Smart 2004 LCD Controller

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 05 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Jaidyn Edwards shows how to connect on Sainsmart Smart 2004 LCD Controller to a 3d printer.This Smart Controller contains a SD-Card reader, an rotary encoder and a 20 Character x 4 Line LCD display. You can easy connect it to your 3d printers board using the "smart adapter" included.After connecting this panel to your 3d printers board you don't need your PC any more, the Smart Controller supplies...

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Intelligent Manufacture from Powder by Advanced Laser Assimilation (IMPALA) project

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
European Union finances many large research and development projects. IMPALA is one of them which focuses on additive manufacturing and industrial laser and metal powder based 3d printing.IMPALA project homepage:

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New generation of 3DSimo 3d drawing pen

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 04 Februari 2014 0 komentar
More alternatives for 3doodler!Learn more about 3dSimo pen:

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Chipfuzer V 2.0 of arc welder based DIY metal 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Mark Miller developed second version of his arc welder based metal 3d printer - here is the Chipfuzer V2.0. Mark wrote:Chipfuzer 3 D metal printer (version 2.0). This is the second prototype I made to improve the original design. It is smaller-12 inches wide, 12 inches deep and 12 3/4 inches tall. This model is fully enclosed and has safety features to keep the user safe from high voltage and harsh...

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3DaGoGo releases Communites feature

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
3DaGoGo released a new feature on their website: Communities.From the press release:3D printing website, 3DaGoGo, has launched their new ‘Communities’ feature to help the growing number of 3D printing designers network, engage, and create communal storefronts for their designs. With over 59.2 million 3D printer design downloads estimated for 2014, 3D printing has not only amassed tremendous consumer...

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Open source DIY metal 3d printer made with MIG welder

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is important step forward for the entire field: open source sub 1500 USD metal printer. It can be mad by anyone with some experience. It is based on static MIG welder and moving invert delta 3d printer platform as build bed.Project was developed by Michigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Lab: Gerald C. Anzalone, Chenlong Zhang, Bas Wijnen, Paul G. Sanders and Joshua M. Pearce....

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Mini Metal Maker DIY metal clay 3d printer

Posted by Unknown Senin, 03 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Mini Metal Maker is small DIY 3d printer that prints objects suitable for jewelry production, watchmaking and small gears modeling,  small pistons and generally small metal parts. It uses precious metal clay that needs to be put in a high temperature kiln in order to get into metallic form. it will not make "regular" sized hard metal parts. It is more oriented towards craftsman and artisans.From...

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Newton 3d DIY metal clay 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Limited information is available on this printer, except few video showing only printing and limited photos of print results. It uses metal clay as printing material and that type of material requires high temperature kiln for finishing.It also aims specialist makers such as jewellers, product, homeware and fashion designers.Newton 3d homepage: have a subcategory on My...

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3d printable LED lights buttons powered by Adafruits GEMMA and NeoPixels

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
If you are into wearable electronics and 3d printing you can combine them with this type of project. One of my friends made cycling jacket with hand gesture activated direction blinkers. With 3d printer, GEMMA controller and NeoPixel LEDs from Adafruit you can make this cool coat buttons.Detailed build manual on Adafruit learning system:

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Lux OpenCamera by Kadooka Camera Works

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Lux is a new open camera project. It has 3d printed housing which can be printed on i.materialise or Shapeways, using the "Polished White Polyamide" or "Polished White Strong & Flexible" materials. It is powered by Trinket micro arduino controller.Specifications:Type: 6x6 Box CameraMedia: 120 Roll FilmObjective: 65mm f/5.6 Single Element, CoatedViewfinder: Waist-level Brilliant finderShutter:...

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3D Printable LED camera ring flash by Adafruit

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Nice DIY project by Adafruit Industries with their parts. It uses NeoPixel LED ring and Trinket micro arduino controller.

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Top 3 CES 2014 3d printing technologies by Too Smart Guys

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 02 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Just a nice video overview of CES2014 3d printing by some geeks.Source: and a bonus video, 3d printed pizza...

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Hot to design 3d printable soldering stencil

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Instructables user rmd6502 made a detailed tutorial how to design a 3d printed soldering mask for your electronics projects. he goes from Eagle EPS to PDF format, then PDF to DXF and then uses OpenSCAD to get the final STL.He writes:This is a neat way to save a bit of money when you order boards. Normally you pay an extra $25-50 for a solder stencil, either a silkscreen or a sheet of metal with...

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Stratasys Objet500 Connex3 World's First Color Multi-material 3D Printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This powerhouse is priced around 300,000 USD.Technical specifications:Model materials:Vero family of opaque materials, including colorTango family rubber-like flexible materialsMedical: MED610Digital ABS and Digital ABS2 in ivory and greenDurusWhite RGD430High Temperature RGD525 whiteTransparent: VeroClear and RGD720Digital model materials:Hundreds of composite materials can be manufactured on...

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Talk to lawyers about 3d printing and copyright

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
From video description:Unless you've been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly come across countless articles discussing the potential for 3D printing to revolutionize product design and manufacturing. As with any new technology, however, existing laws, particularly copyright laws, are not always equipped to keep up with these advancements. This event will include a live demonstration of 3D printing...

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Robjects 3d printable modular robotics building system by Jaidyn Edwards

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014 0 komentar
Description by the Robjects designer, Jaidyn Edwards:Robjects simply mean 'Robotics objects'. You can 3D print various connectors and blocks that interlock with each other to make bigger and more complex designs than what hot glue and foam board is capable of.Prototyping robot designs can often be frustrating. Whilst I do love hot glue and double sided foam tape, they can leave a nasty residue on...

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Daily printing - fingernail clipper organizer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Uzarski Designs guy had a problem. His nail clipping procedure was sub-optimal. He solved this, very challenging, problem with a help of 3d printing.You Sir is what makes this wonderful technology grow! Hat tip! Solve your nail clipping issues with easy download from Thingiverse:

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Review of Makeraser

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Makeraser is multitool designed specially for 3d printing. it has acetone tool for gluing, repair and finishing and metal spatula / blade to remove printouts from the printbed. Nice product and nice review by Interesting part is that it seams to increase the strength of acetone treated part since it melts together outside layers.I hope I'll have an interview with Makeraser crew soon, so...

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Easel CNC web based CAD software for your desktop CNC mill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Presentation of new web based CAD software which would simplify work with desktop CNC machines like Shapeoko. It is still in beta and the website takes mailing list notifications sign-up.http://www.easelcnc.c...

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New 3d models sharing site - Sproutform

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Sproutform is new community site for sharing of 3d models.Here is what they say about themselves:What is Sproutform?Sproutform is a community for discovering and sharing great 3D printable designs. We're using a new approach and fresh ideas to move beyond printing desk toys and trinkets and enable the community to design, discover, and print objects that have a more substantial value in our lives....

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Update on Vader molten aluminum DIY metal 3d printer - now debugging with gallium

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 31 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Vader is under development, now they are testing the printhead with gallium which melts at low temperatures (30 C) and then they will continue with molten aluminum (at 800 C).Introduction to Vader: also released mock-up of their Mark 1 unit:The Mark I will be the first production machine. It will be built in very...

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Chocabyte low cost chocolate 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This chocolate 3d printer should cost only  99 USD and cartridges with sweet brown goodness only 5 USD. It doesn't get better then that folks.It is still under development. another more advanced chocolate 3d printer see: you want to make your own simple chocolate extruder to attach...

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New Makible Makibox controller board the 5D Print D8 presentation

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
New Makible Makibox controller board: the 5D Print ...

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faBrickation 3d printing with volume replaced wth Lego blocks by Hasso Plattner Institute

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
faBrickation a new approach to rapid prototyping of functional objects, such as the body of a head-mounted display. The key idea is to save 3D printing time by automatically substituting sub-volumes with standard building blocks — in our case Lego bricks.When making the body for a head-mounted display, for example, getting the optical path right is paramount. Users thus mark the lens mounts as “high-resolution”...

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DMG Mori Lasertec 65 high end hybrid metal 3d printer and 5 axis mill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When you see this machine at work, you see the future of production. The turbine housing just grows in front of you. The printed part is probably lighter and stronger since its laser is creating more carbon bonds.Technical specifications:5-axis: milling and laser texturing of plastic injection moulds on one machine in one setupFull fledged 5-axis milling machine from DECKEL MAHO in the rigid monoBLOCK®...

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Are you looking for a job in 3d printing industry?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Here are two new resources for you: 3d printing related jobs board 3d printing talent recruitment agency.more proofs that the 3d printing industry field is rapidly expanding. There will probably be more specialized websites for all niches in the futu...

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MendelMax 2.0 review and impressions by ZennmasterM

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Great review video of MendelMax 2.0 by ZennmasterM.MendelMax 2.0 description from RepRap wiki:The new MendelMax 2 is a complete reinvention of the MendelMax. It makes the MendelMax faster to build, easier to source and even better looking than before.DesignThe MendelMax 2 includes a completely redesigned frame, made from aluminum extrusions and primarily flat plates. These plates can be cut from...

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Ultimaker 2 detailed review by Barnacules

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Another great review by Barnacules of Ultimaker 2. He goes trough unboxing, setup, calibration, leveling and first printing. His machine came delivered with on extruder fan broken. The leveling process seems easy with adjustment screws on the bottom of the print bed.From video description:The Ultimaker 2To operate the Ultimaker 2 you don't need any specific technical knowledge. Every part has been...

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3D printed organic chair is bound together using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 28 Januari 2014 0 komentar
There is no detailed information HOW he did it, but Daniel Widrig managed to 3d print a chair by using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake. It was commissioned as part of an art exhibition.Daniel Widrig project homepage with some other cool designs:

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Extruder made from plywood by Pawel Dobrowolski

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Pawel Dobrowolski is working on extruder made from plywood. He made first progress by making plywood gears.Pawel later commented on this post that this extruder is based on yruds/yegah design which is popular in Poland  and it is a part of bigger open source project called BYQ 3d printer made fully in plywood...

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Improving physical therapy with 3d printing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Developed by Dr. Kee Moon and Jeremiah Cox, the device seeks to better conform to the way the body moved before an accident or injury occurred. Rather than rigidly control the movements of the leg, their device nudges - or kicks - the leg to begin natural physical motion. In the future, the bionic leg will further tie in with the brain to better adapt to former muscle memory, allowing the patient...

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Mark One first carbon fiber 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Carbon fiber 3d printing was the technology many people were waiting for. We could finaly get very durable and strong printed objects. Technical specifications of Mark One:Printing Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) / Composite Filament Fabrication (CFF)Build Size: 305mm x 160mm x 160mm (12″ x 6.25″ x 6.25″, 486ci)Material Compatibility: Carbon Fiber, Fiberglass, Nylon, PLAHighest Layer...

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Fuel3d high resolution 3d camera scanner

Posted by Unknown Senin, 27 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Technology of 3d scanners is exploding together with the developments in 3d printing machines. Fuel3d is one of more high-end scanner that is much expected to reach the market.They released the final design of production unit:Here is the video presentation of Fuel3d and usage cases: Here is what company claims are main advantages of Fuel3d against competitor technologies:Turntable: The most basic...

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Adobe is getting in 3d printing with Photoshop CC 14.2 update

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Adobe is joining the ranks of corporations that got into 3d printing field. Photoshop cc update 14.2 bringe many features for 3d model print preparation and support for several 3d printers.Support for directly printing from Photoshop CC to 3D Systems Cube, MakerBot Replicator 2, MakerBot Replicator 2x and Zcorp Full Color is built in, as is the ability to export an STL file.It can work with several...

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