Update on Vader molten aluminum DIY metal 3d printer - now debugging with gallium

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 31 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Vader is under development, now they are testing the printhead with gallium which melts at low temperatures (30 C) and then they will continue with molten aluminum (at 800 C).Introduction to Vader:http://diy3dprinting.blogspot.com/2013/10/vader-diy-3d-printing-with-molten.htmlThey also released mock-up of their Mark 1 unit:The Mark I will be the first production machine. It will be built in very...

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Chocabyte low cost chocolate 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This chocolate 3d printer should cost only  99 USD and cartridges with sweet brown goodness only 5 USD. It doesn't get better then that folks.It is still under development. http://www.chocabyte.com/For another more advanced chocolate 3d printer see:http://diy3dprinting.blogspot.com/2014/01/chocolate-choc-creator-v1-3d-printer.htmlIf you want to make your own simple chocolate extruder to attach...

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New Makible Makibox controller board the 5D Print D8 presentation

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
New Makible Makibox controller board: the 5D Print ...

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faBrickation 3d printing with volume replaced wth Lego blocks by Hasso Plattner Institute

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
faBrickation a new approach to rapid prototyping of functional objects, such as the body of a head-mounted display. The key idea is to save 3D printing time by automatically substituting sub-volumes with standard building blocks — in our case Lego bricks.When making the body for a head-mounted display, for example, getting the optical path right is paramount. Users thus mark the lens mounts as “high-resolution”...

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DMG Mori Lasertec 65 high end hybrid metal 3d printer and 5 axis mill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When you see this machine at work, you see the future of production. The turbine housing just grows in front of you. The printed part is probably lighter and stronger since its laser is creating more carbon bonds.Technical specifications:5-axis: milling and laser texturing of plastic injection moulds on one machine in one setupFull fledged 5-axis milling machine from DECKEL MAHO in the rigid monoBLOCK®...

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Are you looking for a job in 3d printing industry?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Here are two new resources for you:http://www.3dprintingjobs.biz/ 3d printing related jobs boardhttp://gravity3drecruitment.com/ 3d printing talent recruitment agency.more proofs that the 3d printing industry field is rapidly expanding. There will probably be more specialized websites for all niches in the futu...

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MendelMax 2.0 review and impressions by ZennmasterM

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Great review video of MendelMax 2.0 by ZennmasterM.MendelMax 2.0 description from RepRap wiki:The new MendelMax 2 is a complete reinvention of the MendelMax. It makes the MendelMax faster to build, easier to source and even better looking than before.DesignThe MendelMax 2 includes a completely redesigned frame, made from aluminum extrusions and primarily flat plates. These plates can be cut from...

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Ultimaker 2 detailed review by Barnacules

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Another great review by Barnacules of Ultimaker 2. He goes trough unboxing, setup, calibration, leveling and first printing. His machine came delivered with on extruder fan broken. The leveling process seems easy with adjustment screws on the bottom of the print bed.From video description:The Ultimaker 2To operate the Ultimaker 2 you don't need any specific technical knowledge. Every part has been...

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3D printed organic chair is bound together using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 28 Januari 2014 0 komentar
There is no detailed information HOW he did it, but Daniel Widrig managed to 3d print a chair by using a mixture of plaster and sugar with sake. It was commissioned as part of an art exhibition.Daniel Widrig project homepage with some other cool designs:http://www.danielwidrig.com/index.php?page=Work&id=chairSource:http://www.designboom.com/design/daniel-widrig-3d-prints-chair-using-plaster-s...

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Extruder made from plywood by Pawel Dobrowolski

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Pawel Dobrowolski is working on extruder made from plywood. He made first progress by making plywood gears.Pawel later commented on this post that this extruder is based on yruds/yegah design which is popular in Poland  and it is a part of bigger open source project called BYQ 3d printer made fully in plywood...

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Improving physical therapy with 3d printing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Developed by Dr. Kee Moon and Jeremiah Cox, the device seeks to better conform to the way the body moved before an accident or injury occurred. Rather than rigidly control the movements of the leg, their device nudges - or kicks - the leg to begin natural physical motion. In the future, the bionic leg will further tie in with the brain to better adapt to former muscle memory, allowing the patient...

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Mark One first carbon fiber 3d printer

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Carbon fiber 3d printing was the technology many people were waiting for. We could finaly get very durable and strong printed objects. Technical specifications of Mark One:Printing Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) / Composite Filament Fabrication (CFF)Build Size: 305mm x 160mm x 160mm (12″ x 6.25″ x 6.25″, 486ci)Material Compatibility: Carbon Fiber, Fiberglass, Nylon, PLAHighest Layer...

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Fuel3d high resolution 3d camera scanner

Posted by Unknown Senin, 27 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Technology of 3d scanners is exploding together with the developments in 3d printing machines. Fuel3d is one of more high-end scanner that is much expected to reach the market.They released the final design of production unit:Here is the video presentation of Fuel3d and usage cases: Here is what company claims are main advantages of Fuel3d against competitor technologies:Turntable: The most basic...

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Adobe is getting in 3d printing with Photoshop CC 14.2 update

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Adobe is joining the ranks of corporations that got into 3d printing field. Photoshop cc update 14.2 bringe many features for 3d model print preparation and support for several 3d printers.Support for directly printing from Photoshop CC to 3D Systems Cube, MakerBot Replicator 2, MakerBot Replicator 2x and Zcorp Full Color is built in, as is the ability to export an STL file.It can work with several...

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Using Open SCAD with external advanced text editors Sublime Text, Notepad ++, Textmate and other

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
If you are using OpenSCAD and you are limited by its simple code editor, you can use it with advanced text editors like Sublime Text or Textmate to code in. They offer many advanced options like syntax coloring, automation of many manual operations etc.You can use OpenSCAD with almost any external text editor, here is the short explanation:OpenScad is able to check for changes of files and automatically...

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CD-R King 3D Printer from Philippines

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
It looks like some sort of K8200 clone or re-brandedimported machine from Philippines. It is sold for 100 000 Philippine Peso which is almost 2200 USD. I have a filing that any Philippino interested in buying it could build a better printer for less money. On other hand, maybe it's hard to import parts into Philippines. Technical specifications:Linear ball bearings: 8 and 10 mmTechnology: FFF (Fused...

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How to mount cooling fan on your 3d printers Arduino to prevent overheating by Barnacules

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Barnacules has another nice video tutorial about how he mounted active cooling fan on his Robo 3D printer Arduino controller board to prevent overheating. He used 3d printed mounting brackets. From video description:You can print these brackets on your Robo3D with heated bed off to prevent a crash and have your printer fix itself! You don't really need a 2nd 3D printer :PGet Fan Bracket @ http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:166045 Today...

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Video demonstration of color changing heat sensitive 3d printing filament

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Video demonstration of color changing heat sensitive 3d printing filament! Video by:https://www.youtube.com/user/GyrobotUK?feature=wa...

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Tollywood Actress Hot Photos

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Indian Bollywood, Tollywood Actress Hot, Spicy, Sexy, Photos Gallery, ... Telugu & Tamil Actress Midhuna Sexy Hot Spicy Photos Pics Stills.Tollywood Actresses Hot Pics, Tollywood Actresses Hot Pictures, Tollywood Actresses Hot Photos.Latest telugu actress hot photo gallery,hot telugu wallpapers,sexy photos,images spicy pics and more.Shravya Reddy Hot.Sanjana Hot Photos.Hot Photo Gallery, Ritu...

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Ankita Sharma Hot Photos

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Ankita Sharma Hot Photos,Ankita Sharma latest pics thumbs actress ankita sharma spicy hot photo stills.Latest Updates on Ankita Sharma Hot galle...

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Update on RepRap Wally - video of big objects printing

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Nicholas posted new Wally video: From video description:It is about time to provide proof of Wally printing a large object. If you look closely you can see the bed going up and down to adjust for the bed level. It took about 7 hours to print the vase. It is 100mm x 100mm x 145mm. I used a .4mm nozzle and did .2mm tall layers. I used default slic3r speeds. I have gone as much as 4 time faster while...

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Travel CNC and 3d printer project by Marcus Wolschon

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Marcus decided to make his personal "Travel CNC" which has CNC mill, 4th axis, 3d printer, vector knife, resin casting and work table in single, mobile, quiet, clean machine.Here is the link to his continuously updated blog post about the project progress:http://marcuswolschon.blogspot.de/2013/07/travel-cnc3d-printervector-cutter.htmlHe is also developing his own 4+5 axis CAM software, so go...

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Unboxing and 3d printing with Ultimaker 2

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Video by: The Vormit...

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2BEIGH3 DIY hybrid CNC machine and 3D printer with detailed build instructions

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Many people are building machines they designed from scratch. Here is combination of CNC machine and 3d printer which is well documented with complete build guide. It has some interesting features like printing with many materials.Here is 2BEIGH3 as CNC cutter slicing trough acrylic plate: Here is 2BEIGH3 3d printing with Nylon (btw: printing Nylon emits toxic fumes, it should be done in controlled...

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Thingiverse just released Android app on Google Play

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Thingiverse finally released their mobile application for Android platform! It is available on Google play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thingive...

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Matsuura Lumex Avance 25 hybrid metal laser sintering and high precision milling machine

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is not your Prusa Mendel. This is the Godzilla of advanced industrial 3d printers, a hybrid metal laser sintering and high precision milling machine.It can produce highly precise medical and dental implants and high end custom aerospace industry parts. The structures can have intricate internal structure that can decrease weight, improve cooling or add advanced structural properties.Lumex Avance...

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